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In recent years spectacle lens companies have developed novel lens designs in an attempt to control childhood myopia progression more effectively than standard eyeglass lenses. The are four Health Canada approved spectacle lenses to control myopia in children. These include the Zeiss MyoCare, MiSight Spectacle, Essilor Stellest, and the Hoya MiyoSmart lenses. All of them have clinical evidence that shows the slowing of myopia progression by approximately 50%. Each lens has unique characteristics to slow down myopia. Your Optometrist will work with you and your child to determine which spectacle lens option offers the best chance of success.

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The majority of myopia controlling sepctacle lenses rely on a principle called peripheral defocus. All spectacle lenses (regular and myopia controlling) focus the central part of the image directly onto the retina to provide sharp clear vision. Myopia controlling lenses treat the peripheral part of your child’s vision differently. They focus light rays from our side vision in front of the retina versus behind the retina which is what happens with traditional lenses. Focusing our peripheral vision in front of the retina seems to be a strong slowing signal for eye growth and in return slowing down prescription change. Some researchers feel that traditional spectacle lenses may actually accelerate prescription change in children.

Peripheral defocus theory explained traditional SV lenses
Traditional Single Vision Lenses
Peripheral defocus theory explained myopic defocus lenses
Myopia Controlling – Peripheral Defocus Lenses
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Myopia Spectacle Lens Available in Canada

zeiss myocare lenses
coopervision sightglass lenses
essilor stellest lenses
hoya miyosmart lenses